Dream Job Blog

It’s not your resume, its…

How much do you love WebMD? I love it—a lot. You know who doesn’t? My doctor (and probably most of the medical community). It’s so helpful when it tells me exactly how to treat a condition (like my recent knee sprain). However, it’s not very helpful when a serious disease pops up in a search for an innocuous symptoms like a fever. If you’re like me, you don’t have a very good track record in self-diagnosis.

This is something I keep in mind when I hear things like “My resume is holding me back,” “I only have problems with interviewing,” “My network isn’t helpful.” My clients and other people I meet are quick to share their diagnosis. They tell me what’s wrong—and without a beat—they boldly state that once they fix that ONE thing, they’ll get the perfect job.

Hmmmm. I wish it were that simple, but it never is. When we dig into it, we usually find other issues—and when we dig deeper, we get to the root of the problem. And guess what? The problem is never the specific item they were most concerned about. When one thing is out of kilter, everything else is too.

So what’s the cure? It’s as simple as aligning what you say about yourself (think elevator pitch and story), what you write about yourself (resume and LinkedIn profile), what actions you take (what roles you pursue) and most importantly, what goals you set in the beginning. This requires introspective reflection, research and some exercises (like writing the most important criteria for your ideal role and company). It’s simple, but not easy.

This is why our clients join our program. They want to create alignment and apply the most effective job strategies and tactics to get the job they want with a coach who’s invested in their success.

If you’re ready for a strategic career move and want to create an intentional career that you’re passionate about, then schedule time to meet with our Dream Job Strategist.

Watch our video, answer a short survey and then select a meeting time. We’d love to help you find a job that you love every day!

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