Dream Job Blog

Job Searching Tips to Keep You Sane

Job searching is not for the weary. It is mentally, emotionally and physically challenging. Here are some tips to keep you sane during this journey.

Tip 1: Establish a routine

Our first world selves need structure—and if we don’t schedule it, it won’t happen. If you have a full-time job, but are looking for a new gig—then dedicate an hour at lunch or in the evening to check out job boards, research companies and apply. 

If you are in-between jobs, then carve out a specific time because you can’t look for jobs and network 8 hours a day. Make time for mediation, workouts and social activities (take care of yourself). When I was unemployed, I made and followed rules like I couldn’t turn on the TV until after 5pm and to have one meeting a day (including social visits). 

Tip 2: Be Strategic

Whether you’re unemployed or unhappy at your job, you don’t want to make a hasty decision that leads to a messy situation (been there, done that). Create criteria on what you’re looking for in a position, company, culture, etc. and define dealbreakers. Think about what has bothered you at past jobs and why. How much is it about you and how much about the circumstances? 

Then create a target company list that may or may not have open roles. Check them out on Glassdoor, use LinkedIn to see who you’re connected to and meet them for coffee. Read press releases, articles, company websites. The more focused you can be, the better results you’ll net.

Tip 3: Sometimes it IS them, not you.

One of the worst parts is waiting for a response from the recruiter or hiring manager after you’ve applied or interviewed. An hour feels like a day and a day like a week. Don’t check email incessantly or stare at your phone. Go for a walk, talk to a friend (not about the job), volunteer—you get the point. Anxious waiting isn’t going to help. 

And let’s be painfully honest, you may not hear back. I’ve worked with several clients who actually spent an entire day interviewing and never heard back from the company. NEVER. Who does that? It’s beyond rude and tarnishes their reputation. In this case, it is definitely not you! 

I know this is easier said than done, but keep a positive outlook. You will find a wonderful job at a great company—where you’ll be appreciated and given the opportunities you deserve. 

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