Dream Job Blog

The Importance of Gratitude

Close-up of a person's hand writing in a notebook, capturing the act of noting daily gratitude

It’s that time of year for everyone to pause, reflect and give thanks—for the great people and things in their lives. Thanksgiving is not only about loved ones, but it’s also the most thoughtful holiday we celebrate.

Are you limiting “giving thanks” to an annual holiday? Did you know that there are real, tangible benefits for practicing gratitude year round? It’s seriously one of the highest ROI activities you can do—requiring very little effort and making a tremendous impact.

This is how easy it is: I start each day with a list of what I’m thankful for that day. Today it was a good night’s sleep, the brisk fall day that made for a pleasant walk, Michelle Obama’s book that I’m devouring, an appreciative email from a client and my amazing business partner who was already hard at work when I arrived to the office. 

Whether you start or end your day with this practice, you will net meaningful benefits including:

Greater happiness:

focusing on and appreciating the things in your life triggers a positive mood adding to happiness

Better health:

people who keep a gratitude journal have less physical symptoms, spend more time exercising and sleep longer and better

Woman tying running shoe

Better relationships:

being grateful makes us nicer, more trusting and social—and it helps to make new and deepen personal and professional relationships 

Just like any habit, you need to make a conscious effort to do it for at least 30 days—or until it becomes part of your normal routine. Some people keep a “gratitude journal,” but it can be as easy as jotting it down on a post-it during breakfast or at your desk. Or you can say it aloud on your drive to the office.

And don’t keep gratitude to yourself! Show appreciation to your colleagues, friends and family. Thank them for something specific they’ve done or for a strength they have. Share by writing a card, sending an email or telling them in person.

Challenge yourself to go beyond Thanksgiving and start a daily practice of gratitude!

PS: here are great articles that delve into the science of gratitude:

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